We finally heard that precious sound, our baby's heartbeat.
We have seen the heart beating four times now but to finally hear it was pretty amazing.
I have to admit it brought me to tears.
The baby's heartbeat was 154 bpm. Now that is fast,
I only get my heart rate that fast when I am on a run.
It was also pretty amazing to see our baby having the hiccups in my uterus. I didn't even feel it but there he/she was having the hiccups and you could see the entire body moving up and down. I wish we would have caught that on video.
In addition to all that excitement, we also got some good news.
Our baby is healthy and has a very low probability of genetic abnormalities.
And after all that exciting news the ultrasound tech gave us about 10 pictures. I am going to fill an entire photo album with pictures of this kid before we even meet.
Here are a few from our appointment
12 Weeks 2 Days