Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First family Portraits

Last weekend we had the great pleasure of having our first family portraits taken by a friend and AMAZING photographer. Jennifer Joan captured the most intimate moments of our growing family and made me feel so beautiful and comfortable. It was such an fun photo shoot and I can barely wait to see the final shots. She did show me a little teaser on her blog and I am already in love!!

You can take a peek at  http://jenniferjoanphotography.com/blog/

Jennifer does such an incredible job of capturing the emotion in every picture. I will cherish these firsts portraits forever. Be sure to check out some of her other work too because she is truely an amazing photographer with such a creative mind.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Did someone turn the heat up??

I have been told that being pregnant is like having the heater on all the time. But I haven't really experience the heat until this week! Yes, that is right someone has turned the heat up. Sadly I put on a cute outfit and an hour later I find that I have sweat rings, really that is so GROSS!! Or when I blow dry my hair I practically have to sit in front of the fan for 20 minutes to cool off.  
Here is my little message to Carmella, Can you cool it down in there?

I am starting to understand what a hot flash feels like and it sucks! I do have to say that I am so thankful for the mild summer and by mild I mean we have had very few days where the temperature reached over 90 degrees. Thank God! I guess I lucked out and have had a nice pregnancy through a mild summer, so I can't really complain.

So from here on out I will continue to apply lots of deodorant and make sure that I am fresh smelling everyday with hopes that the next 5 weeks no one turns up the heat anymore. Oh and a big thank you to the air conditioning businesses, you make me smile!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

34 Weeks

How far along? 34 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain/loss:  +18 lbs
Baby Comparison: Baby weighs as much as a cantaloupe
Maternity clothes: You bet!
Stretch Marks:  Keeping the belly moisturized
Sleeping: The early morning bladder call is starting to creep in
Best Moment this Week: Officially a month left of work
Baby Movement: Lots of movement and I am loving it, actually I think I am going to miss this
Food Cravings: Everything I am not supposed to eat
Gender: It's a GIRL!!
Belly Button in or out: I think this one is staying in
What I miss: Bending over and being able to get back up
I am looking forward to: Getting everything ready for Carmella's arrival and feeling organized
Milestones: Our birthing classes are this weekend

34 Weeks 2 days

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Baby Shower

Carmella is such a lucky girl and so many people want to shower her with so much love!
On Saturday my auntie's threw an amazing shower for this special little girl. Many of my family came to join in the fun from all over the bay area and some came from further distances.
Kourtney flew in from Portland to help celebrate baby Carmella. 

After 13 years of friendship and she has never missed a special event.
Love you my sweet friend and I can't wait for you to meet Carmella.

The party began with a brunch feast that was not only elegant but delicious too. 
As we enjoyed the tasty food we also spent some time catching up with family and friends. 

Everything was just perfect, from the food to the decorations and even the game had everyone laughing. My cousin Alyssa created a candy bar memory game that represents all areas of pregnancy, labor and baby. It was a blast and even the grandparents got the hang of it.

And we can't forget the sweet cake. It was a white chocolate bunt cake with raspberry filling and cream cheese frosting, oh so tasty. And if you're going to ask yes, I did have a little piece. 

Of course everyone spoiled Carmella with lots of clothes and baby necessities. This little girl is going to have so many clothes, I think I might be a little jealous. Between Sophia and Guiliana giving her all their clothes I am not sure we'll ever have to buy any. Speaking of Sophia she made a surprise visit to the shower with grandma Lulu.

Sophia was a big helper especially when it came time to opening presents, 
but what two year old wouldn't want to help?

It was a beautiful shower and I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family and people that love our baby so much. Thank you to everyone for making it such a wonderful day!

Many more pictures were taken but these are the ones from my camera and I was pretty busy. So I will have to share the rest when I get my hands on them.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

33 Weeks

How far along? 33 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss:  +17 lbs
Baby Comparison: Weighs as much as a pineapple
Maternity clothes: All the time and would love a new outfit
Stretch Marks:  None yet and only 7 more weeks to go
Sleeping: Still sleeping through the night
Best Moment this Week: Another great doctor's appointment hearing our little miracle's heartbeat
Baby Movement: She's a wild little girl, the bigger she gets the more I feel her moving
Food Cravings: Anything that is easy to make
Gender: It's a GIRL!!
Belly Button in or out: Still have a slight innie
What I miss: Sleeping on my back
I am looking forward to: Spending time with Kourtney and my mom and baby Carmella's Shower
Milestones: Setting up the bassinet, started to prepare for her arrival

33 Weeks 2 days 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ferraro Baby Shower

On Saturday my Mother in in, Cindy threw a fabulous shower to honor Baby Carmella. It was held at Georgio's Pizzaria in Milpitas which was also where we had our rehearsal dinner. How appropriate that Chris and I merged our families together and started our lives together with a big Italian family feast there and now we are welcoming our first baby there. The shower was beautiful and the decorations filled the room with pink everywhere.

A picture of Carmella and some baby pictures of Chris and I, hmmm I wonder who she will look like?

After a delicious Italian lunch we spent some time socializing and catching up with family and friends. Then we settled in to open some presents, first let me just say that this little girl is already spoiled.  Between the great clothes she is getting from her cousins and now all the new baby clothes well I am not sure we'll ever have to buy her any clothes!

 We got some great classic books that we can't wait to read together

A homemade blanket for baby and mommy

And a Christmas dress already! 

Seriously, I know that girls love clothes but I am starting to wish someone would buy something in my size, ha ha. 

Once we made it through the presents we made room for the yummy chocolate cake. 
And yes, I did have a little piece. 

It was a fantastic day and one that I will remember forever! Thank you to all my family and friends that came to help celebrate baby Carmella and shower her with love. After many years of trying to conceive and now to be carrying our first child I am reminded of the love and support that our families have shown us over the years and I feel so blessed to welcome Carmella into this family. And as a simple reminder to my family, please gently remind me of these times when she won't sleep through the night or when she is a teenager and I want to pull out my hair.

I had to include a picture of a the diaper cake/ Sushi platter that I received from a friend. How great is this! Its all made out of diapers and baby stuff but made to look like a California Roll and Shrimp Roll. So creative!

A special thank you to my mother in law Cindy for all your work and preparation to make the shower so special. I loved every minute of it!! Carmella will give you lots of love and thanks when she gets her, I know she can't wait to meet her Nana and Papa.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

32 Weeks

How far along? 32 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain/loss:  +15 lbs
Baby Comparison: Weighs as much as a large Jicama
Maternity clothes: Wearing them all the time
Stretch Marks:  None and crossing our fingers
Sleeping: Still trying to sleep on my side but sleeping through the night, Hooray
Best Moment this Week: I really can't pick just one, I have loved being pregnant
Baby Movement: Feeling her move all over the place but then she will also have mellow days
Food Cravings: Hmm anything sweet, I always want what I can't have
Gender: It's a GIRL!!
Belly Button in or out: Hasn't popped out yet but every week I think we're getting closer
What I miss: Being able to tie my shoes, but that is why I love flip flops and being pregnant in the summer
I am looking forward to:  Ferraro baby shower on Saturday and we can't wait
Milestones: Making a decision of where we'll live when we bring Carmella home

 32 Weeks 5 days

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Thoughts this week

When I started writing this post I wasn't sure what I would say. Do I tell you that I LOVE being pregnant and feeling our little girl kick makes me smile and remember the blessing that is growing in my womb. It is amazing how much I love this little girl and I am really going to miss those kicks. Or do I tell you how overwhelmed and stressed I feel that she will be here in 8 weeks!!

So much has happened since I started this blog, many amazing things and some sad things too. We took a leap of faith and decided to rent our condo and saying goodbye was tough to do. But I felt better about the decision when I thought about the house we would be bringing our baby home to. As we searched for a home, we made a few offers and had a few heartbreaks. Well now we're in contract and I would shout for joy because we love the house!! But the unfortunate part is that the house is a short sale, well there is nothing short about a short sale and the reality set in for us this last weekend. The reality being that we're running out of time before Carmella arrives and I go on maternity leave. And we just found out that maternity leave to a loan officer means no verification of a job. As a result the house we had been dreaming of and hoping to bring our daughter home to isn't this one. And the true reality is we will be staying with grandma for another 6 months, not what I expected. Don't get me wrong I knew this was an option but it was never something that I truly considered. As of right now I am feeling a bit defeated and sad and the only things that makes me smile is our little girl and my loving husband. Every once and awhile I feel those little kicks and it reminds me that everything will be worth it in the end. I mean who really remembers where they came home from the hospital or what their nursery looked like, I know I don't. The only thing that really matters is that she is loved by her mom and dad and that her little needs are met. Six months from now I will look  back and think this was all worth it but for now I am pretty distraught.

Oh did I mention I have been studying for the CCRN (Critical Care Nursing Certificate) for the past 6 weeks. I know you're thinking I must be crazy and truthfully so am I. Well I have always wanted to be CCRN certified and I told myself I would do it before I became a mom and there is no time like the present. So in addition to being pregnant, living with grandma and adjusting to this new life; I have been studying. Doesn't research show that pregnant women give up some of their brain cells to the baby, then what am I doing!! Sadly I have to admit I sat for the exam on Monday and didn't pass by 8 points. I know I could just scream or better yet cry. Well I have been doing that for a whole day now and there is not much left to cry out. So it is back to studying for me and trying to figure out how to prepare for baby Carmella. Hmm I wonder what kind of changing table we can come up with or where will all her clothes go? Big questions with answers I am not too sure about.

I have to keep reminding myself that all that doesn't really matter what matters is that we love each other and we'll be able to provide for our daughter. We know that this is all part of God's plan and his timing is not my timing. Cause if that were the case we would've had this baby 2 years ago. I need to remove the expectations from my life and focus on what is right in front of me. I love my little life and I am so excited to show Carmella just how much she is loved. I think this is my first taste on the things you will sacrifice for your kids.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

31 Weeks

How far along? 31 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/loss:  +14 lbs
Baby Comparison: Weighs as much as four navel oranges
Maternity clothes: Yes its really the only thing that is comfortable
Stretch Marks:  None
Sleeping: Still sleeping thought the night, with an occasional bathroom break in the early am
Best Moment this Week: Doctor's appointment where everything is measuring right on track and we got to hear her heartbeat, about 145 bpm
Baby Movement: Lots of movement and I just love leaving my hand on my belly to feel her and trying to determine how she is positioned!!
Food Cravings: Right now I really want frozen Yogurt
Gender: It's a GIRL!!
Belly Button in or out: Belly button in and I am beginning to wonder if it will stay in?
What I miss: Not worrying
I am looking forward to:  Meeting our baby girl
Milestones: We are officially seeing the doctor every two weeks, the end is getting closer

31 Weeks 4 days