Saturday, April 28, 2012


Someone has gone banana's, seriously!!

She absolutely loves her banana's and can't get enough of them. She is always opening her mouth for more!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Play date with Kenna

More play time with Kenna!

Another fun day with Kenna and her mommy. This time they came to our new house and we got to have lunch and hang out.

The girls just hanging out (the beginning of a great friendship)

 Why can't we seem to get them to look at the camera at the same time.....

All packing in the car ready to go to lunch.

Thanks for a fun time and lets do it again, maybe the beach next time....

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

29 Weeks Old

At 29 Weeks Old Carmella has been using her new trick of rolling over to move around the room. She grabs toys and sticks them right into her mouth. No teeth yet but I am sure they are coming soon.

She loves watching and playing with other kids, the social interaction is so good for her. She enjoys the kids so much that I think she gets easily bored with me on certain days. 

 Her newest trick that she is working on is sitting up alone. She can balance herself for a short period of time then she drifts/ falls to the side.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Next up Zucchini

After the sweet potatoes we decided we would give Zucchini a try. At first I got a look of disgust and I was worried, but then I took out our secret weapon. Whole wheat oatmeal, she'll eat anything with oatmeal.

And wouldn't you know she ate it all up. So far this little girl is liking everything.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

28 Weeks Old

Carmella is full of curiosity. She loves playing on the carpet and feels so free. At times she can play with her toys and roll around for 40 minutes, of course I have to be in close proximity or she begins to whine and cry.

One of her favorite games is peek a boo, when we play she begins to laugh uncontrollably and I love it! Another great way to get her to laugh is to start singing her favorite song, London Bridges.
Carmella often reaches for a toy, grabs it, examines it, put it in her mouth and then she'll drop it to move on to the next exciting item. She also loves splashing with her toys and kicking her feet in the tub during bath-time.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sweet Potato

Yes she is my sweet potato but we also ate some sweet potatoes. She really liked them and much more than the carrots.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Her New Crib

Carmella's got a new crib and I am not talking about the house. We finally put up her new crib from Grandpa C and Grandma J. It was so cute to watch her roll around in her new space. She can really spread out now.

Wow look at all this room...

She can roll back and forth

I think she likes it!!
She slept through the whole night in her new crib and seemed to love it. Well except when she bumped her head on the side rail. I guess it's time for mommy to put up the bumpers.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

27 Weeks Old

Carmella is 27 weeks old!

 She is officially rolling over now and she is quite the mover. I have seen her roll back and forth a few times just so she can reach a toy or object.  It is going to be no time before she will be mobile and crawling all over the house!

She has also discovered how to grab her feet and can even get them in her mouth. She is always putting something in her mouth, toys and/ or her hands. When she is not rolling around or grabbing her feet she likes to be held in the standing position.

She still loves playing vigorously with noisy toys (which mommy loves too). Carmella is exploring the world and really seems to like it!

Weekly pictures have become a bit more difficult now that she is such a mover..

I practically have to hid the sign from her so she will look at the camera.

Solid Food

Today we tried some solid food, carrots.

Getting Ready...

First bite she is not too sure

 She seemed to like the spoon more than the carrots. But we kept trying and soon enough she was enjoying the act of eating even though more that half was on her bib.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Happy First Easter Carmella!!

 All smiles...

"Enough pictures mom!!"

We started the day off with wonderful church service. Carmella is a hit in the nursery and everyone seems to want to hold her.
After making stuffed artichokes we headed over to Nana and Papa's house for a quick visit.
 Carmella loved her Easter basket.

And she even read her own card, what a smart little girl!

 Thanks Nana and Papa for all the yummy treats!

Then it was over to Alyssa and Adam's new house in Santa Clara and we celebrated another birthday, Auntie!

Carmella and the birthday girl

Hanging with Alayna!

Chris and Justin kickin back after a yummy meal!

It was a wonderful first Easter and Carmella was showing off her rolling over skills. She was a hit and so was the food.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

6 Months Old

Carmella is halfway through this incredible first year!
I can't believe she is 6 months old!!

To celebrate her 6 month birthday she finally ROLLED OVER!!!
Life as we know it is about to change.

6 Month Stats:
Weight: 16 lbs 8 oz
Height: 26 in

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

26 Weeks Old and Daddy's Birthday

26 Weeks Old and Happy birthday DADDY!!

Today we celebrate two birthdays! Carmella turning 26 weeks and Daddy's big day. After lots of work we're finally in our new house. We got the keys to our new house on Mommy's birthday and woke up in our new house on Daddy's birthday. 

Giving Daddy his birthday Card

Carmella is still a charmer, but she is becoming a bit more selective about giving out smiles to strangers. As I was feeding her this week I noticed that she was holding her own bottle, I just wish she would do it all the time. She has been loving the new carpet and has found that digging her fingers into it is pretty fun. Her dexterity with her fingers and hands has really improved and she can pass an item from hand to hand as well as lift, shake and pull her toys.

Trying to get her to sit still so I can take her picture is already beginning to be a bit of a task.

To celebrate daddy's birthday we spent the afternoon together and then had a nice dinner at Nana and Papa's house. And for dessert we had some yogartland again, yummy!!

Carmella crashed before we made it to Yogartland.