Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Got my eyes checked

After our 6 month baby check up, the pediatrician told me to watch Carmella's eyes because he thought she might have a lazy eye. So after lots of over analyzing and concern, we decided to get her eyes checked out by a pediatric ophthalmologist.

We took her to Dr. Kaur in Los Gatos where they did all sorts of exams on her eyes. It was quite interesting to watch as they attempted to shine lights into her eyes and she would swat away their hands and instruments. I tried to hold her hands still but the doctor reassured me that it was a good thing, since it meant that she could see everything. After 30 minutes of eye exams they told us that Carmella did not have a lazy eye and in fact she has great vision.


34 Weeks Old

We're officially sitting up!!

Her new favorite thing to do is to drop her toys and food on the floor and she does this repeatedly!!
She thinks she is being funny, especially when she throws her toys. You had better duck for cover because she might hit you. Apparently she is fascinated by the sounds different objects make when banged together or dropped, I think she does it just to annoy me.

In addition to her new toy dropping tricks she no longer falls for the "out of sight, out of mind" trick, as she has developed a solid sense of object permanence. 

34 Weeks Old and sitting up tall

And still fascinated by her signs

Monday, May 28, 2012

Lake Tahoe for Memorial Day

We spent some family time in South Lake Tahoe for Memorial Day weekend.
We headed to town and were met by some snow on the highway pass, not what I expected for the last weekend in May. But we were greeted by lots of happy, smiling faces.

Sophia was so excited to see us and just couldn't wait to show us around her new home. I finally got to see my sister pregnant and really showing her baby belly.
Carmella wanted to show her cousin her favorite book. And yes I have to put her hair in a pony on top of her head because it is already so long that it gets in her face.

And we found out someone really likes watermelon. yummy!!

Sophia likes to help feed baby Carmella and what good practice for when her baby brother arrives

Auntie Jenn got to cuddle with Carmella too

Some Cousin love time!!

Four Generations, all the girls (first picture because believe me that was all we could get!)
Carmella, Sophia, Brenna, and Ariana

Thanks for a great time and we can't wait to do it again!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

33 Weeks Old

33 Weeks Old

This weeks biggest accomplishment is how she can sit up with a little teetering back and forth, but we're getting closer. Soon she will be sitting up by herself. 

Carmella is a chatter box and can often be heard saying consonant-vowel strings (da da, do do, ba ba). She seems to be having little conversations with herself and toys, we like to join in with her and repeat what she says. She thinks its funny and keeps talking.

Sitting up for daddy and always chewing on something.

Discovering her sign and trying to figure out a way to remove it.

She hasn't quite mastered the sitting up part but she doesn't look too uncomfortable.
And she has officially been sucking her thumb but only when she is really tired.

And she still loves her feet.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Baby in the Mirror

Carmella has discovered the baby in the mirror. She loves looking at herself and watching herself on videos. It cracks me up when she starts laughing and talking to her reflection.

Peek a boo!

Hey you come out of there and play with me!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Mum Mums

Carmella is starting to enjoy solid foods and has started to eat some snacks too. 
Here is she is getting her first taste of mum mums (a rice biscuit)

Pretty tasty and she can eat it herself.
But they sure are messy, it always seems to be bath time after she has sucked on a mum mum.

At least its another 20 minutes of entertainment for her and free time for me. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Apples and Bananas

Once again we have bananas but this time with apples

She is not so sure about this...

Ok I guess I will give it a try, yummy bananas!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My New Car

Someone got a new car and a BMW at that!!

Funny thing about this car is that Auntie bought it for Justin when he was Carmella's age (12 years ago). And now she gets to ride it!

Watch out for this girl!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

First Tooth

We have spotted a tooth!! That is right Carmella has cute her first tooth. Oh my!!

She won't let me in there to get a picture but she will try to chomp on my finger.

32 Weeks Old

32 Weeks old oh my!!

Carmella has gotten more active and found that there are more places in the house to discover. Let the baby proofing begin (or continue). She has been rolling all over the place and I can't keep up. I will step out of the room to grab something and come back to find her across the room. Oh my!!

She is such a happy girl and is always smiling, even when strangers say hi in the store.
One of our favorite things to do is go to Stroller Power in the morning and she gets a chance to see all her friends. She especially loves it now that we have put her in the big girl seat facing out in the stroller.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Someone is teething!

Everything ends up in her mouth and she is drooling like crazy. I know I have said it before but this time I think I might be right, some teeth are about to make an appearance.

So to help sooth the irritation Carmella has discovered that she like to suck on ice through her fruit mesh bag.

Ahhh that feels so good!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy First Mother's Day

After the wonderful baby dedication we headed back to our new house to celebrate mothers day. 
We had the entire clan there.

A Ferraro Family photo (we are missing Gary Sr. but he had to work)

Alayna and Baby Carmella hanging out!
(two besties)
Uncle Mark, Justin, Aunt Cindy and Alayna

The other Ferraro Family
Gavin, Gary, Madison, Guiliana and Kari

Chris, Carmella and Auntie Sharon

Madison loving on her cousin

The Cousins (and what a great picture, everyone is looking at the camera)
Gavin, Guiliana, Madison and Carmella

 Our first Mother's day as a family

Carmella wishing everyone a 

Baby Dedication

On Mother's day this year we had a special day planned. 

Carmella was going to be dedicated to our church family at Cornerstone Community Church.
A baby dedication is a ceremony in which the parents make a commitment before the Lord to submit their child to God's will and to raise that child according to God's Word and God's ways. The church and family members agree to help raise this child up to know and love God. And when Carmella is old enough to accept Jesus as her savior then she will be baptized. 

All dressed up and ready for Church.

Many of Carmella's extended family members were there to watch her dedication.
After the ceremony we were able to snap a quick picture with the Petretto extended family. 

And a quick photo op for Carmella and John (well of course Meg and I too).
Looks like Meg and I were the only ones looking at the camera.

Next up a mother's day celebration with the entire family.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Coughing For Attention

The latest trick that Carmella has discovered is that when she coughs mommy and daddy turn around to see what is going on. So now she has mastered the fake coughing to get her attention. We have even started mimicking her and will have a coughing match, she seems to think it is the greatest thing.

Check it out.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

31 Weeks Old

31 weeks oh my!
She is quite the little chatter box and loves to hear her voice, sometime she even likes to shout.  It's like she is having a conversation with me and as she discovers more things around her and she wants to tell me about what she sees and ask questions. 

Carmella loves being around people and gets especially excited when she sees other kids. She begins to kick her feel and starts to squeal, it is so cute. But she definitely loves hanging out with her mommy and daddy and gets so excited when she sees one of us. By far my most favorite moment of being her mommy.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Peas Please

We started peas this week and they weren't such a big hit.
She was literally turning her head away or pushing the spoon away from her mouth.

But then mommy got smart and added some bananas to her peas and then they were a hit, well mixed with bananas they were.

I guess I will be hiding all the foods she doesn't like in bananas!