A white Christmas in Tahoe
Well getting to Tahoe was a bit of a chore with the weather but we made it and Carmella got to see the snow for the first time.
Not so sure what she thought of it....
A closer inspection with Daddy
Ok well this is a little more fun with my cousin Sophia
We had the whole family together for Christmas this year, even Stephen and his wife Whitney flew in for some Christmas fun!!
Tyler, Jenn, Mom and Stephen
Everyone put on your holiday aprons its time to do some baking!
We even got to celebrate Aunt Whitney's birthday
Merry Christmas Eve!
On Christmas morning we dressed all the little ones in matching PJ's
(Sophia was so excited about what she saw under the tree she couldn't sit still for the picture)
Daddy and Carmella just taking in all the fun
Christmas evening we headed over to mom's house to have a yummy dinner together.
Mom, Tyler, Carmella, Jenn, Sophia and Me
(Grandpa Silky got in on this one too)
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!