Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Nose Frida

Let me first tell you I swore I would never buy one of these and I thought they were the most disgusting thing ever. 

  Nosefrida aka the Snotsucker, is a doctor-developed and doctor-recommended nasal aspirator used to keep babies naturally snot free. A simple Swedish design features a tube that is placed against the nostril (not inside) and parents use their own suction to draw mucus out of their child's nose. Disposable filters prevent any bacterial transfer.  It is superior to the bulb aspirator, presents no risk or harm to internal nasal structures and is dramatically more efficacious. 

Gross right? Why would I ever want to suck out my kids buggers. Well let me tell you I did some research after Carmella screamed like she was being tortured when we would use the hospital bulb suction. And the reviews were amazing.... the snot sucker really works!! So I thought ok what's the big deal I can spend $15 and who knows it might save us both a whole lot of trauma.

So I gave it a try and I was amazed!! No tears, no screaming and I have to admit she started smiling. I think her smiles were because my face looked so funny when I was sucking. Truthfully if it wasn't such a gross concept I would probably buy one for all my new mom friends so they could experience the difference for themselves. But for now I will keep using my nosefrida and live with the simplicity that Carmella has clear nasal passages and she is not crying!

And just so you know I took a picture to prove to everyone that it works. 
But if you're too grossed out then DON'T scroll down but for those of you with a strong stomach or secretly curious then have a peak!


The results are in the tube!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

8 Weeks Old

Carmella is 8 weeks old or some would say 2 months old.  

Everyday is a blessing and she continues to amaze me. She can definitely tell the difference between familiar voices and other sounds and she's even becoming a better listener. She is always checking out what is going on around her.

Carmella is beginning to enjoy her play gym and I just love it when she coos at all the animals. She will track objects and loves looking at lights so I think she will enjoy the Christmas lights this season.

I have even started to see her open up those tight fisted hands and use her little fingers. And of course we can't forget that Carmella has been sleeping for 7 hours at night! Mommy is so excited about that!!

Yeah I am 8 weeks old!!

She even gave me a little smile :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Sleeping Alone

I think it is time...

Time to move the baby to her own room. It's a decision I really didn't want to make because it means my baby is getting bigger. But after a few uninterrupted evening thanks to our night nanny aka grandma Lulu, Carmella was sleeping for 7 hours. It was at this point that I thought mommy and daddy should be getting more rest and truthfully Carmella makes A LOT of different noises when she sleeps. So it was time to make the move, of course with the help of a video monitor.

Carmella in her bassinet just checking things out. 
I don't think she even knows that she is in a different room.

Sound asleep is where I found her in the morning 7 hours later.
I do have to admit that I stared at the video monitor for about an hour before I finally fell asleep. It felt strange to have her so far away from us especially since we have been together for 11 months.

Oh I just love this little girl and I could stare at her forever (especially when she is sleeping).

Little girl, Big Couch

 Carmella is getting so big but yet she is still so little.

Look at me mom I am sitting up like a big girl!

She is thinking someone better pick me up soon because I am not liking this

A little perspective of just how tiny our little girl is.
I will cherish these times forever because I am sure she will grow up too fast.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Uncle Vic

 Chris's Uncle Vic came to visit and he got lots of love and many hugs
and even some smiles too

 All the cousins on Uncle Vic's lap
Gavin, Giuliana, Carmella and Madison

 Holding the baby girls and I am sure we'll get a few more of these pictures in the coming years.
It was wonderful to see Uncle Vic and we look forward to his next visit. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Shaffer Visit

The Shaffers are coming to visit!! 

We were so excited for Chad, Sara, Bryce and Dylan to come meet Carmella that we could hardly contain ourselves. It has been way to long since we have all gotten together and it was sure to be a blast!

Carmella didn't know it at the time but these boys had heard so much about her and now they finally got to meet her. It was a priceless moment. But I am sure the boys wanted her to interact a little more, next time boys.

Bryce was so happy to hold baby Carmella and he is such a sweetheart with her.
He can come back and hold her any time!

Carmella felt so at home with everyone she even took a nap with Auntie Sara. 
Awe this is too precious

Sara, Bryce and Dylan giving their best smiles for the camera 
while Carmella chomps away on her binky.

Chad even got in on the baby action. 

The Sara(h)'s enjoying a day of laughter and catching up. 
I miss you girl and lets not make it so long next time. 

It was a wonderful day with the Shaffer family and even though our lives get busy we always have time for one another. Can't wait to see you guys again!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Carmella's First Thanksgiving!

This year grandma Lulu came to visit and we had a family packed day planned. First we started by reading some Black Friday ads and we were so excited with what we saw that we forgot to turn on the Macy's Day Parade. Then we got ready to go visit Nana and Papa.

Carmella and Mommy all pretty and ready to go.

Our First Family Thanksgiving!
We have so much to be thankful for.

Mom and her girls

Chris and Papa 
Did they call each other so they could match?

Auntie Sharon and Carmella

Next up we headed to the DiFiore house to have a feast. It was an evening filled with great conversations, lots of laughs and delicious food!!

Too much turkey for this little girl..... nap time
(just kidding she only had milk)

As Carmella's first Thanksgiving goes, well it was a hit!! She got loved on by all her family and friends while mommy and daddy got to enjoy the food and good conversations.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Little Pink Shoes

Cousin Ginny got Carmella these little pink glittery shoes and I can't wait for her to wear them. I was hoping she would fit into them by January when we go to Oregon for her Uncle Stephens' wedding but I am not so sure.

They are so cute but they still look a little big.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

7 Weeks Old

Wow Carmella is already 7 weeks old! And what a fun week it is going to be since Thanksgiving is on Thursday and Grandma Lulu is coming to visit. 

This week she is definitely awake a lot more during the day, so much so that she fights her naps until she is just too tired to keep her eyes open. So she takes multiple short naps throughout the day. I think she is afraid she might miss something fun if she goes to sleep.

I have also noticed that she LOVES music and it seems to calm her even when she is really fussy. Any kind of music but I tend to play Christan music since that is what we listened to when she was in-utero.

I have yet to capture her smiles on film but she is definitely smiling in response to mom and dad.

One of the first things that people tell me when they meet Carmella is that she has the longest eyelashes. I tell them she can thank her dad for that since I know they're not from me. Now you can see for yourself just how long they are and no I did not curl them!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

6 Weeks Old

This week Carmella is 6 weeks old!

She is growing so quickly and we are enjoying every minute of it. I love watching her change every week and this week she has started smiling when mommy or daddy are talking to her. I just love this and I just wish I could capture her smile on camera, but of course I grab the camera and she stops smiling. As Carmella's awake time increases she is beginning to coo and communicate with us more. Especially in the morning and this is one of my favorite times (even if I have been up all night). I have also recently noticed that when someone else is holding her and I am talking she will turn her head towards me, this just warms my heart. 

Being a mom is the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced. Some people have asked me what I love the most about being a mom and I have to say it is when she looks at me and smiles or how she nuzzles her head into my neck. Oh so sweet! But the most amazing thing is how a piece of my heart will forever be out in this world. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Kennedy Visit

It was another fun weekend for the Ferraro's! This time we got a visit from the Kennedy Family. My heart was filled with so much joy when they walked in the door and I was so excited to love on them. And they were pretty excited to love on Carmella.

The Kennedy Family is very near and dear to my heart and I feel so blessed to have them in our lives. So when Carmella got to finally meet them it was a very special moment.

Bronwyn, Carmella and me catching up

John and Claire meeting Carmella, they were pretty excited
but they were also very excited for their new family member.....

 A new puppy (a tea cup chiwawa) and she is too cute!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lunch Date

Chris and I finally got out to spend some time together without baby Carmella. Let's say our first date since the baby was born.  We packed her up and headed over to Aunt Cindy's house were Alayna was going to babysit. 

Some would say a date has to happen at night well we decided to have a lunch date. Carmella seems to have more a routine during the day than in the evening. So we dropped her off and left few directions behind; her bottle and when to feed, George the Giraffe for nap time and music is always calming and off we went!

I must admit driving away was a bit weird being that it was the first time Chris or I had not been with her since she was born. So it felt like we forgot something, but we ventured on. The restaurant of choice was sushi since I hadn't been able to eat a spicy tuna roll for 9 months I was pretty excited. 

We spent lunch enjoying each others comapny and catching up on life outside of Carmella. It was really nice to spend time together and discuss things other than feeding times and baby stuff. But don't get me wrong it was a bit difficult to not talk about our cute, loveable, sweet baby girl. Oh my what did we ever talk about before Carmella was born?

After a lovely date with my handsome husband, we headed back to see our daughter and found her in the loving arms of Auntie Alayna, fast asleep.

Awe so sweet!

Already hanging onto a cell phone, oh no! 
Just kidding she loves listening to music and has figured out how to hold onto the ipod

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Our Sweet Teddy Bear

 The photos on the left photo were taken when we left the hospital and it's one of my favorites. Since it was chilly the other morning and we were headed out for a walk I decided to put her teddy bear suit on again. I had better get as much wear out of it cause she is growing fast.  The picture on the left she is   2 days old and the picture on the right she is 5 weeks and 1 day old. Wow time flies!!

I am not sure if you can tell how much she has grown but she is definitely changing. 
Who do you think she looks like?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tummy Time

Every mom talks about tummy time and how important it is but yet how often we don't do it.
I have to admit Carmella has a strong neck and has never been an infant with a floppy head. 
She seems to have good control of her head and neck, but then again I am a bit biased.

So we spent some time this week practicing tummy time.

 Wow look at the head of hair

Here she is doing her tummy time.

5 Weeks Old

The last 5 weeks have flown by since Carmella came into our lives. It's truly amazing how much she has grown and changed. I love hearing her coo and make noises that aren't crying. And my favorite is when I smile at her and she smiles back, it just melts my heart.

Here is a little glimpse of her smile

And our big girl at 5 weeks!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Her first tutu

Carmella and I went to our first baby shower over the weekend 
and I couldn't resist having her wear her new tutu.

Here she is doing her senior portrait pose

And there is that tongue again!

Looking cute and ready for the party

Well as cute as she looked, sadly she slept the entire time so no one really had the chance to see her outfit.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Favorite Mommy Quotes

I read these quotes when I was pregnant and they touched my heart so I decided to share them.

Making the decision to have a child is momentous---- it is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.
By Elizabeth Stone

When the fingerprints are gone and they will be gone before you know it. The fingerprints on the wall appear higher and higher. Then suddenly they disappear.
By Dorothy Evslin

Whoever said women were the weaker sex never witnessed childbirth. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy One Month Birthday

Today our baby is one month old! 

And to celebrate we had a special appointment with our pediatrician, well not really special just our one month check up. Carmella's was a star and her newest stats are:
Weight: 8lbs 9oz
Length: 20 inches

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sleeping with Daddy

One of my favorite moments to capture on film is Carmella sleeping with Daddy.

Ahh these are the moments that I want to remember forever. 
That sweet cuddle time.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

4 Weeks Old

It's so hard to believe that 4 weeks have gone by or should I say flown by! 
I guess that is what happens when you're in love or you have little sleep.
But yes our baby girl is 4 weeks old.

She is still sleeping lots but has more awake time where I actually think she is looking at me. She is tracking and turning her head to mommy and daddy's voices. We can even get a little smile here and there, but it is probably just gas. 

 Posing for her weekly picture and she sure does love showing her tongue

There is our sweet baby girl!

Baby Shoot Preview

 Some of you have seen our maternity pictures taken by Jennifer Joan she is a great friend and an amazing photographer. Well we couldn't miss out on the opportunity to have her and her husband Joe to shoot the newest member of our family. And what can I say she out did herself again!! The pictures are amazing and Carmella was such a good girl. 

Jen is so creative and she takes pictures with so much passion you can see it in her work. Not to mention that she captures moments that we will cherish forever. 

Here is a sneak peak at our family photo shoot and I am so excited to see the rest of them. 

One word AMAZING!!

Thank you Jen for a great day and the beautiful pictures you took.
All I can say is that if you have a special moment you want to remember forever then Jen is your girl.
Check her out her website or on Facebook. I can give you a great review!!
Jennifer Joan Facebook