Saturday, November 26, 2011

Shaffer Visit

The Shaffers are coming to visit!! 

We were so excited for Chad, Sara, Bryce and Dylan to come meet Carmella that we could hardly contain ourselves. It has been way to long since we have all gotten together and it was sure to be a blast!

Carmella didn't know it at the time but these boys had heard so much about her and now they finally got to meet her. It was a priceless moment. But I am sure the boys wanted her to interact a little more, next time boys.

Bryce was so happy to hold baby Carmella and he is such a sweetheart with her.
He can come back and hold her any time!

Carmella felt so at home with everyone she even took a nap with Auntie Sara. 
Awe this is too precious

Sara, Bryce and Dylan giving their best smiles for the camera 
while Carmella chomps away on her binky.

Chad even got in on the baby action. 

The Sara(h)'s enjoying a day of laughter and catching up. 
I miss you girl and lets not make it so long next time. 

It was a wonderful day with the Shaffer family and even though our lives get busy we always have time for one another. Can't wait to see you guys again!!

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