For Carmella's first Christmas we spent time with the Ferraro side of the family.
The celebrations began Friday afternoon when grandma LuLu arrived from Tahoe to help us celebrate.
Sophia's present all decorated for Grandma Lulu
Carmella's hand print ornament
Daddy and Carmella hanging out
On Christmas Eve Carmella put on her fancy dress
and we headed off to meet The DiFiore's and Auntie at Church.
and we headed off to meet The DiFiore's and Auntie at Church.
After church we headed over to Gary and Kari's house for Christmas Eve dinner.
All the cousins ready for the Christmas celebrations to begin and excited to open presents.
(too bad Carmella is showing her pouty lip)
Carmella was such a good girl Christmas morning, she played under her gym while mommy and daddy opened gifts.
Then it was her turn

Carmella got lots of great board books and cute clothes.
We're so excited to start reading together!

Before we headed over to Nana and Papa's house
Daddy fed Carmella so she would be fueled up for some more Christmas fun!
Merry Christmas Eve!!
Then it was her turn
Carmella got lots of great board books and cute clothes.
We're so excited to start reading together!
Before we headed over to Nana and Papa's house
Daddy fed Carmella so she would be fueled up for some more Christmas fun!
Nana and Papa telling Carmella all about the Christmas fun at their house.
Someone was fighting her morning nap so she could see what everyone got for Christmas.
It was a wonderful Christmas filled with lots of laughs and great memories.
Carmella received so many wonderful things,
including this Raiders onsie which I think is Daddy's favorite gift too.
Grandma Lulu dropped by to say Merry Christmas before she headed back to Tahoe.
After a morning of fun, everyone got cleaned up and met back at Nana and Papa's house for dinner.
Another Christmas cousin photo shoot
Gary and Christopher hanging out.
Kari and I decided to be part of the photos instead of behind the camera all the time.
Carmella, Kari and Madison enjoying some girl time.
Merry Christmas everyone!!
We hope you had a blessed holiday filled with family and fun.
Ours was a first we will never forget and we're can't wait for the many more to come!
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