Monday, February 27, 2012

Over to Rose's House

So I headed back to work and I have to admit it wasn't as bad as I had imagined. I mean aside from the part where I left the house crying; other than that I got through the day.

All ready for her first day with Rose

Daddy dropped Carmella off at Rose's house where she gets to play with her cousin Giuliana and a few other kids. It sounds like Carmella is loving the other kids and really working on her conversation skills. According to Rose she has been eating great, sleeping well and just loving the other kids. And that makes her mommy really happy!!

All smiles when Daddy picked her up.

Day two with Rose, another great day
I just love those smiles!!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to hear the transition for you going back to work has been good! She is so darling!
