Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas

A white Christmas in Tahoe

Well getting to Tahoe was a bit of a chore with the weather but we made it and Carmella got to see the snow for the first time.
 Not so sure what she thought of it....

 A closer inspection with Daddy

 Ok well this is a little more fun with my cousin Sophia

 We had the whole family together for Christmas this year, even Stephen and his wife Whitney flew in for some Christmas fun!!
Tyler, Jenn, Mom and Stephen
 Everyone put on your holiday aprons its time to do some baking!

 We even got to celebrate Aunt Whitney's birthday 

 Merry Christmas Eve!

 On Christmas morning we dressed all the little ones in matching PJ's 
(Sophia was so excited about what she saw under the tree she couldn't sit still for the picture)

 Daddy and Carmella just taking in all the fun

Christmas evening we headed over to mom's house to have a yummy dinner together.
 Mom, Tyler, Carmella, Jenn, Sophia and Me 
(Grandpa Silky got in on this one too)

 Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Toddler Car Sear

We are so excited to spend Christmas in Tahoe but we weren't too excited about the four hour drive. No to mention the weather man was predicting a lot of rain and snow.
Since Carmella has outgrown her infant seat we thought we better get a new Toddler seat for the long drive.

Someone likes it already, too bad she didn't sleep for the whole drive
well at least she was a happy baby the whole trip!!
Man I just love that smile.

And the good news it only took us a little over four hours to get there!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Ferraro Christmas

We celebrated Christmas a little early with the Ferraro's since we would all be out of town.
So we gathered at Nana and Papa's house for fun Christmas.

Ready to open some presents!

Great Grandma and Julio with all the grand children and great grand children 

 The Ferraro Family ready for Christmas.

 Carmella figuring out how fun Christmas really is.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

9th Tooth (First Molar)

After lots of drooling and fingers in the mouth all the time we have our first molar but of course she wouldn't let me feel it or get close to take a picture. So you're just going to have to take my word for it. And if I am not mistaken I think she is beginning to cut the next molar on the top this time. She has always cut two teeth at a time, so it doesn't surprise me.

Here come the chompers!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Meeting Santa

Carmella got to meet Santa this year and I have to say she wasn't to sure what to think.
As we walked up to him she held on to my shoulder a little tighter and as I handed her over she looked at me like I had betrayed her. But she didn't cry, however her lower lip did quiver a bit and she was sure not to look at him. She just held her hands in her lap and looked a little scared. 

I told Santa's elf to keep shooting because I knew something was about to happen. Santa kept talking to her and before you knew it she looked up at him and was curious to hear what he had to say. And snap we got the picture.

I love this picture and how she is just looking at him like she is saying  so tell me your story....
 Such a sweet moment.