Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Choosing her name

Chris and I were never the type of people that discussed baby names when we were dating. Even throughout the long 2 years of trying to have a baby we never really discussed names, maybe I was too scared that it would never happen for us.

So when we found out we were pregnant it still wasn't something we sat around discussing. I had borrowed some baby name books and for awhile they sat on our coffee table and were more of a conversation piece. People would come over and ask if we had chosen a name yet then pick up the book and start strumming through the pages Everyone seems to have a personal opinion or have some association with a name, "oh I knew a Jared in high school and he was a jerk or Molly was my dogs name. Picking a name is a pretty serious decision because it is something that she will be called forever! Nicknames will be made up and sometime kids will make fun your name so we had to be careful.

We started talking about names for our baby when I was 16 weeks pregnant. Chris was (how should I say...) very determined that our baby would have an Italian name. We spent some time talking about girl names but it was the boy names that we just could not agree on. God must have know that we would never agree on a boys name so he made sure we had a girl, to keep the peace in the house. Several years ago when my sister was pregnant with Sophia, she and Mike were discussing names and she shared a few with me. Well lets just say one stuck. Now here we are three years later discussing Italian girl names and it came up again and as I said it I just feel in love with it.

After some discussion we decided on our daughters name....... now before I tell you her name I don't want to hear any of your comparisons or thoughts of her name. Truthfully even if you did tell me I don't think I would care because we love her name and think it's absolutely perfect for her.

So her name is.........................

Carmella Marie Ferraro

Not only is her name Italian but it is also a family name.

  Carmella is the female version of Carmine, which is my dad's name and both of our paternal grandmothers had a sister named Carmella.  We chose Marie for her middle name after Chris's grandma Marie Clamenti. And I love that we can call her Ella for short, what a sweet nickname.

Picking our daughters name was pretty stress free although we did have some lengthy discussion on the spelling but have come to an agreement. Now we just can't wait to meet her!

And for all the people out there that are waiting til they deliver to find out if its a boy or girl more power to you, but I am so glad we didn't wait. This just makes everything feel even more real and I am bonding with her now calling her by her name loving every minute of it!

Now let's just hope if we have a boy next time we can both agree on a name. I guess we better start talking about it sooner than later.

1 comment:

  1. I love it Sarah, it's beautiful! And she'll share a middle name with Aubrey.
