Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My first taste of GERD

Now that I am officially in my second trimester I have experienced some new pregnancy symptoms. GERD also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) which is a condition where the stomach contents (food or liquid) leak backwards from the stomach into the esophagus. This happens to about 80% of pregnant women and is mainly caused by hormonal and physical changes related to the growing fetus inside. 

 Now I must admit I did not experience the horrible heart burn that is associated with GERD. What I did experience was the feeling that I had something stuck in my esophagus and nothing would help it pass. I perfusly drank water and tried to eat or chew food that would move it through but with no luck. Sadly it just took time for it to pass. And this happened two days in a row, perhaps it was because I was eating foods I normally don't eat. Oh but that bagel and pizza tasted so good! Since then I have decided to stick with what I know is good, lots of Citrus!! 

And I am told by many wise moms that TUMS will become my new best friend for pregnancy heartburn and GERD.

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