Tuesday, November 15, 2011

6 Weeks Old

This week Carmella is 6 weeks old!

She is growing so quickly and we are enjoying every minute of it. I love watching her change every week and this week she has started smiling when mommy or daddy are talking to her. I just love this and I just wish I could capture her smile on camera, but of course I grab the camera and she stops smiling. As Carmella's awake time increases she is beginning to coo and communicate with us more. Especially in the morning and this is one of my favorite times (even if I have been up all night). I have also recently noticed that when someone else is holding her and I am talking she will turn her head towards me, this just warms my heart. 

Being a mom is the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced. Some people have asked me what I love the most about being a mom and I have to say it is when she looks at me and smiles or how she nuzzles her head into my neck. Oh so sweet! But the most amazing thing is how a piece of my heart will forever be out in this world. 

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