Tuesday, November 22, 2011

7 Weeks Old

Wow Carmella is already 7 weeks old! And what a fun week it is going to be since Thanksgiving is on Thursday and Grandma Lulu is coming to visit. 

This week she is definitely awake a lot more during the day, so much so that she fights her naps until she is just too tired to keep her eyes open. So she takes multiple short naps throughout the day. I think she is afraid she might miss something fun if she goes to sleep.

I have also noticed that she LOVES music and it seems to calm her even when she is really fussy. Any kind of music but I tend to play Christan music since that is what we listened to when she was in-utero.

I have yet to capture her smiles on film but she is definitely smiling in response to mom and dad.

One of the first things that people tell me when they meet Carmella is that she has the longest eyelashes. I tell them she can thank her dad for that since I know they're not from me. Now you can see for yourself just how long they are and no I did not curl them!

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