Friday, June 17, 2011

24 Weeks

How far along? 24 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: +13 (Doctors scale and numbers say I've gained less than I originally thought)
Baby Comparison: As long as a banana
Maternity clothes: Yes and I bought a cute new outfit this week, so excited
Stretch Marks:  None and I hope it stays that way
Sleeping: Still sleeping through the night and savoring every minute of it!
Best Moment this Week: Hearing baby Carmella's heart beating, strong as ever
Baby Movement: Starting to feel her move around more
Food Cravings: Bacon is my new favorite thing, especially a B.L.T
Gender: It's a GIRL!!
Belly Button in or out: Belly button still in
What I miss: A sharp mind
I am looking forward to: Meeting our daughter and finding a house for our family
Milestones: Doctor says everything is right on target and I have gain less weight than I originally thought!

24 Weeks 5 days
(after a long day at work, ugh!)

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