Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Baby Kicks

It's official, this baby is moving. I started to feel more and more movement the last two weeks and her little kicks are getting stronger. At first they would feeling like a little flutter and then like gas bubbles. What is a gas bubble you ask? Well more like the fizzing or popping of something inside my tummy. As baby Carmella continues to grow (she is the length of a banana this week) and spread herself out in her sac of amniotic fluid she is finding it a bit more challenging. I have heard that as the months continue on her tiny little space gets even smaller and turning becomes even harder.

The first time I noticed the movement I was at work and thought maybe I ate something for lunch that didn't agree with me. The next few days I kept feeling these little bubbles and then it occurred to me, this is what it feels like when my baby is moving. Having spent the past few weeks packing up our condo and preparing to move, which has been the most stressful part of my pregnancy so far. I haven't found time to sit down and feel the baby moving, so when I finally did rest the baby would start moving. Now that we're getting settled into our new place I am beginning to feel her move a lot more, which is reassuring since I was worried that all the lifting and moving I did had hurt her in some way. Everything measured perfect at the doctor's appointment this week and her heartbeat is as strong as ever.

It's funny how the baby's most active time is right before bed (of course), as when we finally lie down and turn off the lights she starts up her dance party in utero. One night, I grabbed Chris's hand and held it to my belly, she gave him a few good kicks. But since I was holding his hand so tight be wasn't sure if he as feeling her kick or his own hand pulsing. Not to worry I am sure she will give him plenty more chances to feel her kicking in the future.

So far I am loving feeling our precious little miracle moving all around, keep the kicks coming!

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